This website was created by Joanne King. King is an author, wife, mother, and a Brown Sequard Syndrome Warrior. She acquired BSS in the late 90s. Due to the lack of information and the rarity of the syndrome, she had to learn how to navigate BSS alone.
In 2009 she started a private Facebook group called Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury Brown Sequard Syndrome, to find and help others with BSS. The page now has members from all over the globe.
King later collaborated with fellow BSSers to design, create and implement a survey to collect insightful and relevant data regarding this rare injury .
This website is filled with advice, ideas, graphs and much more due to the brave, compassionate BSS warriors, who shared their information to help others.
The pages are here to help educate and open minds about the realities of Brown Sequard Syndrome, so no one has to feel alone navigating BSS.
***Special thanks all the members of the Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury Brown Sequard Facebook page, who on a daily basis show incredible compassion, empathy and friendship to those who share this BSS journey and to those who took part in this survey. They are all warriors.